
  • 【For current students】School rules, living instructions, etc.


    【学則】日本語 Tiếng Việt 中文
    【寮則】日本語 Tiếng Việt 中文 


    ◆(Fri) 28 Jul 2024 - (Wed) 21 Aug, Summer Vacation

    ◆(Mon) 17 Sep 2024, Summer Term-end Test

    ◆(Sat) 28 Sep 2024 - (Wed) 6 Oct, Autumn Vacation

    ◆(___) __ ___ 2024, Entrance Ceremony

    ◆(Thu) 17 Sep 2024, Summer Semester Final Exam

    ◆(Wed) 21 Sep 2024, Autumn Semester Final Exam

    ◆(__) Nov 2024, Traffic Safety Lecture

    ◆(__) Nov 2024, Tuberculosis Screening

    ◆(Sun) 01 Dec 2024, JLPT

    ◆(Fri) 20 Dec 2024, Year-End Party

    ◆(Sat) 21 Dec 2024 - (Sun) 07 Jan 2025, Winter Break


  • This is a Japanese language school authorized by the Ministry of Justice, Government of Japan.

    All teachers are qualified as Japanese teachers

    Qualified Japanese language teachers with a college degree or above are teaching. Both the president and the principal have experience in Japanese language education. All faculty and staff are serious about teaching Japanese language and culture.

  • Contact Us


    Google Map

    Contact Information

    Name (ja)旭日本語学院
    Asahi Nihongo Gakuin
    Name (en)Asahi Japanese Language School
    Address3-1-4 Ougidai, Iruma, Saitama, 358-0023 JAPAN
  • Principal

    山川 龍一 / YAMAKAWA, Ryuichi


    ・Worked as an interpreter in China and Japan for 20 years
    ・Established own company
    ・Licenced as a Japanese teacher, after completing the training course at Human Academy school.


    "Educating talented individuals with a global perspective and giving back to society."

  • Distinguishing Features

    This school fits students who advance to institutes of higher learning.

    Admission to our school is for people who want seriously to receive higher education in a Japanese university or a graduate school. We support students who study independently, and hope they will become bridges between Japan and the world.

    ※People who aim to work at a part-time job will not be admitted to our school.

    Many Learning Experiences

    • Social gatherings with businesspeople
    • Exchange meetings with Japanese students or senior foreign students
    • Taking part in regional events and activities
    • Japanese culture experience lessons (tea ceremony, Kimono, etc.)
    • Annual events in Japan (cherry-blossom viewing, Tanabata festival, etc.)
    • Emergency training
    • Field trips
    • Social studies trips (visiting historic spots, factory tours, etc.)

    Campus facilities

    • A/C
    • Library
    • Open space
    • Healthcare room
    • Restrooms (Western-style)
    • Bicycle parking


    • Asahi Japanese Language School is located in Iruma city, which is known for being culturally rich and full of nature.
    • There are many supermarkets, so that you will not have difficulty in shopping.
    • ASAHI is in a quiet residential area. Students can focus on their studies.
    • Transportation is convenient and it is possible to go to the center of Tokyo in about 30 minutes.

    Smoking Ban

    Smoking is prohibited in and around ASAHI. Students are never allowed to be late for class or to cause problems with neighbors because of smoking.
    In Japan, the whole country is heading for smoking cessation. A lot of companies don't adopt smokers, and many places in town prohibit smoking. Those who want to succeed in Japan had better graduate smoking before coming to Japan.


  • 2-Year Preparatory Course

    For enrollment in a university or higher education institution !

    Students can learn Japanese from the basics, and will come to be able to dabate with Japanese people and understand university lectures.



    ◆Application Period : 1st April 2023 - 15th October 2023

    ◆Enrollment Period : April 2024 (Entering) - March 2026 (Graduating)

    ◆Learning Time : more than 1,600 hours (20hrs/week, 24months)



    ◆Application Period : 1st April 2024 - 15th October 2024

    ◆Enrollment Period : April 2025 (Entering) - March 2027 (Graduating)

    ◆Learning Time : more than 1,600 hours (20hrs/week, 24months)


    First Year

    JPY (tax
    Payment Date
    Screening Fee20,000yenWhen applying for Asahi
    Admission Fee60,000yenWhen Letter of Admission is issued by Asahi
    Tuition Fee
    (1 year)
    660,000yenWhen Certificate of Eligibility is issued by Immigration Bureau
    (1 year)

    Second Year

    JPY (tax
    Payment Date
    Tuition Fee
    (1 year)
    660,000yenBy 31st January 2025/2026
    (1 year)

    ※There is no need to pay extra for textbooks or printing fees. These are included in "Others" charges to be paid before Enrollment.

  • 1.5-Year Preparatory Course

    Let's learn Japanese from the basics and enter further education !

    Students will acquire the Japanese language skills needed for entrance examinations.



    ◆Application Period : 1st October 2023 - 30th April 2024

    ◆Enrollment Period : October 2024 (Entering) - March 2026 (Graduating)

    ◆Learning Time : more than 1,200 hours (20hrs/week, 18months)



    ◆Application Period : 1st October 2024 - 30th April 2025

    ◆Enrollment Period : October 2025 (Entering) - March 2027 (Graduating)

    ◆Learning Time : more than 1,200 hours (20hrs/week, 18months)


    First Year

    JPY (tax
    Payment Date
    Screening Fee20,000yenWhen applying for Asahi
    Admission Fee60,000yenWhen Letter of Admission is issued by Asahi
    Tuition Fee
    (1 year)
    660,000yenWhen Certificate of Eligibility is issued by Immigration Bureau
    (1 year)

    Second Year

    JPY (tax
    Payment Date
    Tuition Fee
    (6 months)
    330,000yenBy 31st July 2025/2026
    (6 months)

    ※There is no need to pay extra for textbooks or printing fees. These are included in "Others" charges to be paid before Enrollment.

Entrance Procedures

  • Qualifications

    ※Those who wish to enter a Japanese university or a graduate school

    • Completed 12 years of formal education
      (Having enough academic ability to enter a university in the applicant's native country)
    • Aged 18 or over
    • Having Japanese skill equal to or higher than N5 of the JLPT
    • Not having health problems
    • Having the ability to pay all the expenses during the applicant's stay in Japan

  • Procedures

    Before issuance of a Certificate of Eligibility

    1. Submission of the required documents (below)
    2. The transfer of screening fee (20,000yen) to the bank specified.
    3. School Screening (by a writting test, interviews, and the application documents submitted.)
    4. Issuance of Letter of Admission by ASAHI
    5. The transfer of admission fee (60,000yen) to ASAHI
    6. Submission of the documents to the Immigration Bureau of Japan by ASAHI
    7. Immigration Screening

    After issuance of a Certificate of Eligibility

    1. ASAHI will notify the applicant of the result.
    2. The transfer of the tuition fee and others’ fee to ASAHI
    3. ASAHI will send the "Certificate of Eligibility" to the applicant after the payment.
    4. Application for a student visa at the local Japanese Embassy or Consulate in the applicant's native country
    5. Bringing the Letter of Admission form and Passport to ASAHI immediately after arrivaling in Japan.

  • Application Documents

    Documents to be prepared by the applicant

    1. Application (form provided by ASAHI)
      …If there is a blank period in academic record, submit a certificate.
    2. Personal history [Curriculum Vitae] (form provided by ASAHI)
    3. Certificate of graduation from the last school (original, copy not accepted)
    4. School record for all semesters at the last school graduated [Academic Record] (original)
    5. Certificate of Japanese language learning (original)
      …Issued from the institution that the applicant studied Japanese. The course name, the level of the course, period, study contents, attendance rate and textbooks must be written.
    6. Certificate of Japanese language proficiency (more than JLPT:N5, J-TEST:F, NATtest:5) (original)
    7. 7 Photographs (4×3㎝, taken within the last 3 months. Name written on back.)
      ※No Selfies! (That are reversed.)
    8. Copy of your passport and ID card
    9. Copy of applicant's family register (birth certificate)
    10. Student enrolment certificate and Academic transcript
      …If the applicant is currently a student
    11. Occupational certificate, Business license, etc.
      …If the applicant is currently an employee

    Documents certifying financial ability of the student

    1. Certificate of payment (original)
      …Please be sure to sign.
    2. Proof of the payer's own balance (original) and Copy of passbook
    3. Occupational certificate (original)
      …written about the work content, position, the start date of employment and employmnent period etc. In the case of a self-employed person, submit a business license.
    4. Revenue certificate (original)
      …created at work place
    5. Tax payment certificate (original)
      …Over the past 3 years. Issued from the local government or payer's company.
    6. ID Card (copy)
    7. A copy of the payer's family register (birth certificate), Notarial Certificate, etc.
      …Needs to be the original document authorized with official seal/signature.


    ※Additional documents may be required for the applicants.

    ※Documents have to be attached with Japanese translations.

    ※If April students offer to withdraw the application to enter ASAHI by 15st March (October students: 15st September), we will refund fees not including the enrollment fee. Please also submit a request for the return of the original certificate.

  • The Bank Account

    We will notify the applicant after we receive the application form.

    ※The bank transfer fee needs to be borne by the applicant.


  • Class Timetable

    Time Schedule

    In the morning or afternoon, students of the same level learn in the same classroom.
     a.m. Classp.m. Class
    1st Lesson09:10-10:0013:00-13:50
    2nd Lesson10:00-10:5013:50-14:40
    Break Time
    3rd Lesson11:00-11:5014:50-15:40
    4th Lesson11:50-12:4015:40-16:30

    Intermediate Class (example)

    Lessons depend on the class and the period.
    1st Lesson
    2nd Lesson
    Main TextMain TextMain TextMain TextMain Text
    3rd Lesson
    4th Lesson
    Vocab., GrammarVocab., GrammarVocab., GrammarVocab., GrammarApplication of learning content

  • Classes

    Beginner Class

    400 hours (20hrs/week, 6 months)

    Students will acquire the four language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) for daily life, and will come to be able to travel alone in Japan, wherever they want.

    【Main Textbooks】Dekiru Nihongo (Beginner)

    Intermediate Ⅰ

    400 hours (20hrs/week, 6 months)

    The JLPT preparation will begin. Students will be able to watch TV and movies in Japanese.

    【Main Textbooks】Dekiru Nihongo (Pre-intermediate)

    Intermediate Ⅱ

    400 hours (20hrs/week, 6 months)

    Students will have social studies trips and presentation activities, and will acquire the Japanese language skills needed to enter a university or a graduate school.

    【Main Textbooks】Dekiru Nihongo (Intermediate), etc.

    Advanced Class

    400 hours (20hrs/week, 6 months)

    Students will come to be able to understand university lectures, and will gain a deep understanding of Japanese society and culture.

    【Main Textbooks】Chūkyū kara Jōkyū eno Nihongo, etc.

  • School Year Schedule

    Activities and Events

    SeasonSchool ActivitiesCollege Preparatory Education
    SpringCherry-blossom Viewing, Field Trip, Health CheckSeminars for Undergraduates and Postgraduates
    SummerTanabata Festival, Fireworks, Emergency TrainingInterview and Essay Test Preparations
    AutumnHunting for Autumn Leaves, Year End Party, Health CheckReseach Project Presentation
    WinterBean-Throwing Festival, Speech Contest, Disaster DrillInformation Session about College, National University Test Preparations

    The schedule will change somewhat by year. We are planning some social studies trips (e.g. visiting historic spots, factory tours) and Japanese culture experience lessons (tea ceremony, Kimono, etc.).

    The following schedule may be subject to change.


    Winter Holiday23 Dec. 2023 - 08 Jan. 2024
    Spring Holiday23 Mar. 2024 - 09 Apr. 2024
    Summer Holiday27 Jul. 2024 - 20 Aug. 2024
    Autumn Holiday28 Sep. 2024 - 09 Oct. 2024
    Winter Holiday21 Nov. 2024 - 07 Jan. 2025
    Spring Holiday22 Mar. 2025 - 09 Apr. 2025

※ This site has been translated from Japanese. If there are any discrepancies in the translated languages, the original Japanese version will be prioritized.