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Student Dormitory
It is on the second floor of ASAHI

Entrance and Classroom


Around the School
Indian Curry Shop (20 sec walk), Supermarket (1 minute walk), Coffee Shops (2 min), Post Office (2 min), Bento Shop (2 min), Custom Tailor (3 min), Community Center (4 min), Sushi Shop (5min), Iruma Sports Park (6 min), Japanese Style Restaurant (6 min), City Hall (9 min)

Around Iruma-City Station

Costco & Mitsui Outlet Park

Sayama Museum

Lake Sayama & Lake Tama

Irumagawa River

Iruma Park & Inariyama Park

Tove Jansson Akemono Children's Forest Park

Entrance Celemony
& Welcome Party

Traffic safety guidance
Police officers came and taught the international students about Japanese traffic rules.

The Disaster Drill
Saitama Prefectural Disaster-Prevention Learning Center (June)

Field Trip

Nagatoro River Boating, Saitama Prefecture (July)
"Nagatoro River Boating" is a popular tourist attraction in Nagatoro Town where nature is rich. Why don't you live in Saitama Prefecture? There are many enjoyable spots that students in Tokyo can not go easily. I can't understand why many foreigners want to live in Tokyo concrete jungle with paying expensive fee.

Enoshima Island and Kamakura (July)

Many students prayed for passing the JPLT. (July)

Irumagawa Tanabata Festival
This festival has continued since the Edo era. It recorded more than 400,000 visitors in two days. (August)

※ This site has been translated from Japanese. If there are any discrepancies in the translated languages, the original Japanese version will be prioritized.